The First Fifteen lives of Harry August
Client Personal project

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Modern Fantasy Exploration


• Design cover
• Conceptualization
• Photography
• Post-production

I like to hone my craft by creating new cover designs for my favourite books. Those designs must fit the book genre and convey the essence of the story. Personal projects are the perfect place to experiment with different techniques and learn new skills.

The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August is a modern fantasy time-travel novel.

It explores the theme of circular lives and the ripple effect of our actions. This personal redesign brings a unique and creative twist to this compelling novel.

Reading out the book, I took notes and doodled inspiration as it came. A visual search and an Adobe Firefly exploration session followed.

Testing out visuals quickly is fantastic! It is an excellent starting point for conversations with art directors and illustrators about bringing a vision to life.

I like to experiment outside of the screen. So I printed a few title blocks and played with the papers to create interesting movements and textures. 

Then I photographed the experiment and came back to the computer. I tested compositions mixing up Unsplash,
AI Generated, and my personal visuals.

Small selection of iterations

The final result is a typographic cover
created with analogue techniques. 

The swirling vortex is a clue to an important question that echoes throughout the book. This design is very simple and different from most fantasy covers, but the colour scheme cues the audience into the genre.


The Outsiders


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